Living Clean's environmentally friendly cleaning products are extremely effective. Naturally based on citrus solutions, vinegars and essential oils, these products are unique to Living Clean. Buy our eco-friendly cleaning products online and reduce the amount of strong chemicals used in your home.
Blitz is our bathroom buddy. Our alternative to any chemical packed bathroom cleaner.
Use on taps and plugs and shower doors to tackle bathroom grime and soap scum, and prevent limescale build-up.
Blitz is based on organic technology and has been used to stabilise surroundings for marine life. It’s so safe you can even clean your fish tank out with it. You can also use it in the kitchen sink and on the draining board to eradicate hard water build up.
Blitz is in a litre bottle concentrated, dilute accordingly. Blitz is environmentally responsible, non-toxic, bio-degradable, it contains no petrochemicals, bleach or ammonia and has not been tested on animals.